Every Landlord needs to be Knowledgeable of Eviction Processes

tenantriskverification October 22, 2012 0


Are there reasons why a landlord should evict a tenant from the property? Very often, a landlord makes an error and unfortunately leases a property to a criminal who will not only vandalize the property but scare the other tenants away. Even if it is woman with a pretty face, one shouldn’t easily give in to a request. It will be too late for regrets as soon as you realize that the pretty lady is known for notoriety and trouble making. In this kind of society, it is definitely crucial that you observe some diligence in proper investigation in order not to be fooled by tenants who have no respect for property and who will not pay the required rent on time.

How to Evict a Tenant in North Carolina

It is very important to abide by the strict rules of commencing a North Carolina eviction process since any error might have serious repercussions on the outcomes of the nc eviction process. If you want the eviction process in North Carolina to be effortless, an alternative is to hire a lawyer who can deal with the task for the fee. The losses from unpaid rentals and the strain of eviction if added to the price of hiring a lawyer could be quite a huge sum. The process indeed can certainly cause a lot stress and anxiety but there are certainly ways to evict a tenant without breaking any rules.

The first step that the landlord has to make before he can evict the tenant in North Carolina is to obtain a court order through a process called the summary ejectment. This order contains the date, place and time of the scheduled hearing inside the sheriff’s office and which needs to be presented to the tenant. The order should be conveyed to the tenant either delivered personally or by posting it within a conspicuous place where the tenant cannot ignore it. Whatever the explanations might be for the eviction, the landlord is not allowed to physically remove the tenant’s belongings or cut off the utility to intimidate or forcibly evict the tenant from the property.

In the NC eviction process, only a sheriff can command the tenant to depart from the property after found guilty. The sufferings of the landlord just doesn’t end there since once the tenant files for an appeal with 10 days from the court’s judgment, he still has to anticipate the ultimate decision before the erring tenant could be legally evicted on the property. The tenant civil rights are protected by law in North Carolina and if he wins the appeal, he stays on the property. On the other hand, if ever the tenant still fails to pay rentals, the landlord can continue with the eviction process with the Writ of Possession of Real Property. How to Evict a Tenant in North Carolina could be intimidating but it may be handled successfully.

 This article originally appeared on articlesbase

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